Leadership Training
in Education

Science teacher at table with young students

Leadership Curriculum Supporting Those That Support Our Future

Leverage the power of the Situational Leadership® framework in educational environments that teach others to be leaders.

Education is both one of the most challenging roles, as well as the most rewarding. The positive effects of strong leadership can be realized for years to come. Educators, administrators and staff alike frequently have opportunities to not only lead and influence students, but also parents, fellow staff and broadly in the community.

The Center for Leadership Studies works with many educational institutions in varied ways. Whether you’re looking to provide curriculum to your college and graduate-level students, or a training curriculum to your staff, CLS can assist you in helping to shape the leaders of tomorrow in a productive, positive and long-lasting way. Regardless if the foundations of Situational Leadership®: Building Leaders or Taking Charge are used, or group-based courses like Leading Teams or Managing Conflict Effectively, your faculty, staff and student population will benefit from The Center for Leadership Studies’ courses.

Learn more about our curriculum options

Situational Leadership® Success in Pitt County Schools

See how CLS partnered with this school system to roll out their R3 program designed to Recruit, Retain and Reward effective educators to ensure the success of every child every day through professional learning, leadership development and career advancement.

Read the case study