Empowering Situational Leaders™

Enhance leadership effectiveness and overall team performance by enabling leaders to cultivate their personal and position power bases.

Empowering Situational LeadersTM is a practice-rich workshop that empowers your leaders to challenge any preconceived notions that “power” connotes something negative and discover its practical application and significance in the influence process.

Participants explore the research that validates the relevance of power in the workplace and the connection between effective leadership and the key three power bases: Legitimate, Referent and Expert power. A comprehensive video-based case study provides the context for interactive skill building and peer coaching activities designed to help participants build and leverage their own power bases and become more effective leaders.

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Empowering Situational Leaders Flyer

Experience the Benefits of Empowering Situational LeadersTM

  • Validates the relevance of seven power bases in modern organizations within the context of the history of power
  • Provides immediate actionable strategies for increasing the three primary bases of power that are most critical for leaders to effectively influence others
  • Utilizes the Power Perception Profile assessment as a tool for self-improvement through an analysis of self and multirater feedback
  • Challenges participants to develop action-oriented strategies they can implement to enhance their influence potential and drive behavior change
Corporate business woman building trust her team n a meeting

Empowering Situational LeadersTM Online

In this program, participants discover the connection between effective leadership and power in the workplace. Participants learn the behaviors, decisions and tangible actions they can implement to establish credibility, trust and expertise with those they lead. This program directly supports the successful application of Situational Leadership® principles by demonstrating how participants can leverage the Key Three power bases to empower their effective use of the four leadership styles when attempting to influence.

The Four Moments of TruthTM

Resources for Empowering Situational Leaders

Leverage these guides to ensure engagement and alignment between the Trainee and Next-Level Manager throughout the learning cycle.

Trainee Guide Next-Level Manager Guide

Click here to learn more about The Four Moments of TruthTM.

Power: A Positive Driver of Influence

Marshall Goldsmith: Situational Leadership® and Power

Dr. Sam Shriver, Executive Vice President of The Center for Leadership Studies, interviews world-renowned business educator and executive coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. View this excerpt as the two discuss the perception of power in the workplace and how to build the key three power bases: Legitimate, Referent and Expert.

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Influence in Leadership Development: Bases of Power in Modern Organizations

The power to shape behavior through influence is a crucial ability for leaders in organizations. But how is influence in leadership currently being developed and utilized in organizations?

This white paper summarizes the results of an investigation by The Center for Leadership Studies and Training Industry, Inc., revealing the importance of offering training on influencing behavior, the biggest challenges to leadership development and the most important bases of power to managing employees.

Read the White Paper

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Influenced by Others: Bases of Power Across Employee Generations

Although training to help leaders influence work behavior is an area of significant investment for many organizations, the ability of both managers and coworkers to influence employee behavior may not manifest the same way across generations.

This white paper summarizes the results of an investigation by The Center for Leadership Studies and Training Industry, Inc., revealing how employees of all generations react to their leaders, peers and employers.

Read the White Paper

Contact our team to learn more about Empowering Situational LeadersTM!

Empowering Situational Leaders™ FAQs

Referent power in the workplace refers to the influence and authority a person holds over others based on their likability, charisma, trustworthiness, and personal connections. Referent power is based on personal qualities and relationships.

Examples of expert power in the workplace include, subject matter expertise, technical skills, experience, certification, problem solving skills, and more.