Your Leadership Brand

Inspire leaders to build a powerful personal leadership brand that amplifies their influence.

The Your Leadership Brand course equips leaders with the essential skills and strategies to embed their values into their brand, driving authentic leadership and inspiring collaboration and engagement with others.

Whether purposeful or not, the leader’s style, behaviors and track record form their leadership brand that is easily recognizable to others and influences their expectations and interactions with the leader. Through engaging activities and in-depth peer discussions, Your Leadership Brand teaches leaders a three-phased approach for crafting and embodying a positive leadership brand that invites others to want to work for and with them, both inside the organization and beyond.

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Your Leadership Brand equips leaders with the confidence and skills to enhance their influence, enabling them to nurture connection and relationships for goal achievement, talent retention and increased motivation.

Leaders have a brand whether they personally created one or not. This course lets them take an active role in defining their leadership philosophy by showcasing their vision, talents and human-centered skills.
Use the Your Leadership Brand discussion guide to stimulate meaningful insight into the behaviors used to influence others.

A leader’s ability to effectively influence through an impactful leadership brand is vital for a thriving workplace as it:

  • Encourages collaboration, networking and successful partnerships
  • Affects career advancement and obtaining desired assignments
  • Improves external impressions of the leader and organization

Contact Our Team for Your Leadership Brand Training Options!