Situational Conversations

Applying Situational Leadership® behaviors through conversation to drive behavior change.

The Situational Conversations course equips leaders with the ability to drive behavior change by applying Situational Leadership® skills to conversations with the people they lead. By employing a whole-person approach to conversations, your leaders will understand the many factors that impact performance.

Making these conversations an everyday practice will create an environment of transparency and trust that fosters honest, open performance conversations.

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Conversations are a daily part of the human experience and play a critical role in the workplace. They can be spontaneous or planned, informative or enlightening, encouraging or challenging. No matter the intent, topic or parties involved, conversations all have one thing in common—they are situational!

Seventy percent of employees are avoiding difficult conversations at work.1
Sixty-nine percent of managers say that they’re often uncomfortable communicating with employees.2
Ninety-one percent of employees feel their managers lack effective communication skills.3

The Situational Conversations course teaches leaders a framework for navigating workplace conversations by engaging in effective, day-to-day performance conversations that prevent issues from escalating.

Learning Outcomes

The Situational Conversations course teaches leaders to apply the Situational Conversations Framework to drive success and engagement through a whole-person approach to leadership.

  • Drive performance and engagement by leveraging a whole-person approach in performance conversations
  • Enable greater alignment by engaging in conversations that create same-page status around performance expectations
  • Nurture relationships by building trust, mutual respect and establishing shared goals around the work
  • Enhance connection through meaningful conversations that empower team members to perform their best
  • Improve long-term development through increased retention by making employees feel seen, valued and appreciated

The Situational Conversations course provides a single solution for your hybrid workforce, helping you increase the scale and speed of your leadership training.

Learners today work in unprecedentedly diverse teams in a variety of environments and communication channels. As such, they need training that is clear, relevant, applicable and accessible to them when and how they need it.

The Situational Conversations course maintains consistent learning objectives, outcomes, content and learning materials across all modalities. While the content remains the same, the learning experience is optimized to each modality.


The Situational Conversations course delivers consistent, high-impact learning experiences across multiple modalities to meet the unique needs of your learners.


Virtual Instructor-Led

Digital Blended


Learning Features

  • Engaging: Integrates activities with daily work and makes an immediate impact
  • Collaborative Learning: Enables learners to share insights, feedback and encouragement with each other (Cohort Collaboration)
  • Sustainment and Practice: Provides tools for application on-the-job
  • Streamlined Certification Process: Equips trainers to deliver the course across all modalities with one certification process
  • Highly Relevant: Supports retention, reflection, practice, application and feedback
  • Facilitator Feedback: Supports learners with expert advice and insights

Get Started Today

Public Workshops

Your leaders attend any modality of the public workshop.

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Private Workshops

Utilize one of our Certified Trainers to facilitate the course across your organization.

Request a Workshop


Certify your internal trainer(s) to facilitate the course for your learners.

View Schedule

Interested in a sneak peek of the Situational Conversations course?

Register for the course preview to receive free 10-day access to review the structure of the digital blended learning journey and engage with the platform.

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The Four Moments of Truth

Resources for Situational Conversations

Leverage these guides to ensure engagement and alignment between the Trainee and Next-Level Manager throughout the learning cycle.

Trainee Guide Next-Level Manager Guide

Click here to learn more about The Four Moments of TruthTM.

Contact Our Team to Learn More about Situational Conversations!

1 Sebastian S. Council post: Are your employees avoiding difficult conversations? here’s how to turn them into productive discussions. Forbes. May 2, 2023. Accessed December 12, 2023.
2 Solomon L. Two-thirds of managers are uncomfortable communicating with employees. Harvard Business Review. October 25, 2017. Accessed December 12, 2023.
3 Schwantes M. 91 percent of 1,000 employees say their bosses lack this 1 critical skill. August 10, 2017. Accessed December 12, 2023.